Aphrodisiac Elixir

Create your own Sensual Temple with your self or your Lover(s)

Aphrodisiac Elixir

Create your own Sensual Temple with your self or your Lover(s)

All natural. Hand made. Fits all genders.

It's an aphrodisiac elixir made by Raminta.

A witchy extract of plants that makes you joyous and playful.

Taken orally ideally before a sensual time with the other(s). Or before a self love ritual.

What is it?

How does it work?

  • it makes you feel happy
    (increases serotonin)

  • gives more energy (no caffeine)

  • brings more blood flow

What did you put in it?! It really works!"

- Anton (physiotherapist)

Rose, epimedium, damiana, maca, raw cacao, vanilla, Shatavari, cayenne pepper, food-grade glycerin, 5% alcohol.
PLUS secret alchemy, Love & Raminta's witchcraft.

So,What is in it?

Aphrodisiac Elixir (30ml)

Aphrodisiac Elixir (50ml)

Payment options

"Exquisitely delicious – bringing the experience of a sacred temple night home! The elixir makes me enjoy being in my body and reconnect to my desires."
- Natalie (Business & Strategy Professional)

Temple in a bottle

A doorway to unpressured and authentic exploration.

You DON'T "have to" want to have sex

The libido elixir is not intended to make you "better" or "want more sex".

FUCK the "shoulds" !!!

It is crafted to inspire and create an intentional space where you can explore sensuality, sexuality, playfulness, or simply enjoy cuddling without any pressure or expectations.

It serves as a doorway to unpressured and authentic exploration.

No worry, no shame, it is not like v*iagra, it will not "make you crazy", however, the elixir is formulated to enhance your mood, increase energy, and promote healthy blood flow to intimate areas. 💓

It contains all-natural ingredients that support a positive mood and gently encourage the flourishing of existing intimate intentions. While its effects are typically subtle (it can even be taken when you're not in a good mood), some customers have reported strong effects.

Happy experimenting!

"I tried Temple in a Bottle before I met my lover - your elixir is doing a GREAT JOB!"
- Jana (embodiment coach)